Fullfilling Our Purpose to Bring Others Closer to Christ

Letter from April 25, 2016

Dear Friends and Family,

It has been one of the longest weeks. EVER. Not because of anything bad really, just some long situations and also the anticipation of Elder Holland coming.

 So do you remember H- & M-? They were two homeless people we met at the park about a month ago. Well we got a call from H- this week, and lets just say this was the second reason it was a long week.  She was kicked out of M-‘s place, the boyfriend, and had literally no one else to call so she called us. Her parents are in jail, and her younger siblings are in foster care so she really has no one. We spent a lot of time with her Wednesday afternoon helping her figure out a place to go for the night. And then we were with her again Thursday morning. Thursday morning we got the Brinkerhoff’s to take her over to the employment center so she can try and get a job and start to be independent. And after that pretty sure she ended up getting a hold of a friend where she is going to stay until she finds her own apartment. Man it was stressful trying to help her! We have limits as missionaries and we can only do so much. We can’t be social workers for people, so that was another challenge with the situation. Trying to figure out what help we can give. Its hard to not do all we could, because that’s our first instinct. As missionaries, we are just supposed to uplift them, give them spiritual strength and point them in the direction of good shelters or the employment center. 

One thing I read in Elder Holland’s talk, ‘The Cost and Blessing of Discipleship’ was this- “In addition to teaching, encouraging, and cheering people on (that is the pleasant part of discipleship), from time to time these same messengers are called upon to worry, to warn and sometimes just to weep.” It really stuck out to me because I felt like that’s all we could do with H-. Encourage her, but also worry for her and weep with her. Well, we didn’t literally weep, but she sure did. And she needed a shoulder to cry on.  Before we parted ways with her we gave her a Book of Mormon with our favorite verses highlighted that could help her get through rough times. We also left a note in the front and a poem called The Touch of The Masters Hand. We haven’t heard from her since Thursday so things must be going okay. In the end, I felt like we were able to fulfill our purpose of bringing her closer to Christ as well as pointing her towards the people who could help her temporally. 

Our district meeting this week was all about preparing to receive an apostle. We have been studying his talks and looking at the way he teaches and how he uses scriptures. Its been really cool. And we have also been trying as a mission to follow the morning schedule to the tee for the month of April to help us prepare to receive him. That might sound weird, like how can the morning schedule help?  Well I think it has to do with obedience. And the quality of our morning studies. It has been So hard to do this month. Discussing it as a district we found out we weren’t the only ones struggling with it. It seems that as soon as we received the challenge, everyone’s mornings suddenly became that much harder. Almost impossibly hard! What the?! But it has helped a lot too. When we get up and have a good workout it really wakes us up for morning studies. And I feel like I have been able to have some really good personal studies that have helped me feel more prepared for lessons throughout the day. Another thing we have been doing to prepare is to just pray for specific revelation. And pray that our hearts will be open to receive it. 

Speaking of revelation. This week Sister Smith and I were able to act on a couple promptings that we didn’t really recognize as promptings at first. 

1st, We went to meet with our African family ( I apologize they all have a different last name so we don’t know what to call them) on Friday night. We got there about the same time the mom got home from work and we could tell she was so exhausted. We knew our plan to talk about Joseph Smith probably wouldn’t go very far or be very well understood. So we randomly decided to show the kids the “I am a Child of God” mormon message. They absolutely loved it. We ended up teaching them the whole song, and probably sang it ten times that night!  Then we were also able to tie in the principles of family prayer and scripture study with the song.  We taught them how to say prayers. It was so cute because after we taught them how, using the hamburger analogy, they all wanted to try saying a prayer.  It was a great lesson and we have never had those kids so involved and at our attention! 

Another small thought we followed was to go visit a woman in our ward, H-.  She is less active member and had expressed a desire to come back to church but never actually came. We had about forty minutes before dinner and were on our way up north when we decided to make a quick u-turn and go visit her. And we chatted for a bit and then her sister who just moved in with her came home. We shared a short message about “Come What may and Love it” and the sister began to cry. She said it was exactly what she needed to hear right then because of what she was going through. She even said that she and H-  would come to church Sunday. 

Those two lessons just really got us amped up to follow any prompting we got. This all happened Friday. Also on friday we stopped by A-‘s house to see how he was doing and make sure he still wanted to come to church, which he said he was planning on it. 

Saturday night rolled around and we were pretty excited. We had A- a ride to church and we found M- a ride to church and we were waiting to hear if our african family was going to come.

Of course despite some of these great lessons things don’t turn out like an Ensign magazine article!  None of them came to church on Sunday. Everybody cancelled, or something came up. BUT… Suddenly… There was a guy who came walking in the doors looking for a church. ???? what the what???? so we were like yeah come on in! Haha the funny part is that after the opening prayer this guy leans over and he says, “I’m in the wrong church.”  He stayed for the whole meeting but when it was over he wanted to go find the one he had been originally looking for. So we didn’t get a new investigator but we still had a non member at church, hahaha!

So Mia, concerning the new hamster, I am going to have to say, I think I like the name Ducky the best. But I am also going to say, I hope that hamster is gone by the time I get home… and also the smell of it is gone by the time I get home… can you make sure that happens Dad? I know I can count on you to agree with me on that one:) Hope Mia had a good birthday and that everyone is doing well. Congrats to Benny for finally getting that Eagle award! Also, Sam how do you take care of your shin splints?! Because I am getting them AGAIN. And I don’t want to stop running because I just started again. And seriously I can’t stop or I start to gain weight cause they feed me so much! So I need to know what to do for shin splints!!! 

Special Newscast:  Happy birthday and earth day to Mia!


Oh also fun news! I met Elder Judy! The one you guys told me to look out for! He came and played basketball and volleyball with our zone last Pday. Also Do you guys know a David Packer? His mom is Deanne Packer and her parents were Dean and Dotty Packer. Met him this week as well and he is related like 2nd or 3rd cousins.  He actually has been up to Idaho a few times and even spent like two or three weeks with Aunt Margaret and her kids! Small world right? 

Alright, love you all,  Sister Packer out, peace✌ 

Lots of big bugs in Arizona!
We had a stake BBQ Saturday and these football players from the UofA did the Hakka.
Flint Avenue

Temple Trip this Week

Letter from April 20, 2016

“Yo, you can try an read these verse off my book before I lay ’em, But you won’t take this BOM, so listen as I say ’em. You can’t stop me from causin mayhem, cause when I read’em I convert ’em, I don’t give the devil time to think. I’m doing this for God so stop the world feedin beans, its gassed up. Imma convert who I set out to get and all those who look down on me I’m tearin down your balcony, No ifs ands or buts or asking why or how can we, From infinite baptisms to temple trips, we aren’t paid hourly and have no salary.  Our gift ain’t a curse. Its straight from heaven and for the whole universe.  Don’t be afraid. to take a chance. Everybody, come take this book. It can help you for forever.  Through life’s storms, whatever trial cold or warm, then ya know, your not alone. Holla if you want to feel his love in your life.”

That was some missionary fire for my lil bro, hope ya know I haven’t forgotten our Eminem rappin’. This week went by pretty fast. I’ve been keeping Jace in my prayers all week and so glad to hear he is doing better. Get outta the doctor’s office man! 

Aight so I have some REALLY FREAKING EXCITING NEWS. are you ready? there is an apostle coming to our mission in two weeks. and guess who is coming?! You are gonna be so jealous.   ELDER HOLLAND IS COMING TO THE ATM BABBBBYYYY!! I jumped out of my seat when I saw the email from Prez. We are all SO stoked up right now. 

Alright here are some fun facts about Arizona:  Cockroaches are huge and slightly terrifying.  It feels like a hot July day in the middle of April.  As a general rule about Arizona, if its not dead- it wants you dead. 

We went on our Temple trip this week Lovely experience that was. I learned what riding in the transfer van for 2 and a half hours is like with no movies or music.  We spent the whole time playing What are the Odds, Would you Rather, and deciding who would play what character in different movies. The temple was great though. We went to the one in the Gila Valley. Its pretty small. The session was awesome, as usual when you go to the temple. There is just no greater feeling than sitting in the temple and feeling so close to your Heavenly Father. I really felt his love for me as I went through this time and I kept thinking of the words to the primary song, I am a Child of God. Those words are so applicable to me! He sent me here, to a family kind and dear (thanks mom and dad!) and I still, now more than ever maybe, need him to lead me and guide me. I am just so grateful to have the knowledge that my heavenly father loves me no matter what I do. He will always have his arms open wide to all of us. 

Temple Trip to the Gila Valley Temple

This week we got a new investigator. Her name is Yo-. We didn’t get to chat long with her but she loves learning about Jesus Christ so she told us to come back. AWESOME:) Things are about the same with our Swahili family (thats what we call them because they all have a different last name, cultural thing) the problem is we don’t know how the daughter is explaining things to Elizabeth so we aren’t sure if anybody is understanding much. And we went over last night and Elizabeth was gone, but she went to church…. lol cool whatever church she went to! Come to our church dude! hahaha. 

This is Bryce from our little African Family.  He loves our car!

There is some good news about Alex. Despite the slow progress with him, we were able to set a baptism date! We were teaching the Plan of Salvation and talked about how our purpose on earth is to gain a body and gain experiences so we can become like our Heavenly Father. After we had gone through the whole plan we talked about how following the saviors example we can be with God again. We read 2 Nephi 31:5,10 and then invited him to be baptized and he said yes! Sweeeeet. we set a date for May 21st. We are hoping we can keep this date, but he still has a lot to learn and a couple things he will have to give up before we reach baptism. 

We found another potential this week. He goes by Doctor B. The APs were in our area, because they are YSA, and he found them and talked to them. So they told us that he was crazy but wanted to learn more and to talk to him. So we were a little weary going in cause they said he was crazy! Well, I think over the past two and a half months my definition of crazy has changed. He was a little different but not crazy. Our area is very interesting with some interesting people and I’m starting to wonder if I have gotten to the point where I have talked to enough crazy people it doesn’t even phase me anymore. 

Sister Smith hit her one year mark this past Friday. It was exciting. We had a little bonfire at the Anzak’s house and roasted starbursts, Elder Silverwood brought his guitar and sister Smith burnt her skirt! It was a fun little celebration! 

This is Tristan Anzak, one of our member families little boys.  We switched glasses!

I’ve been getting excited to see you all on Mothers Day, not gonna lie I am counting down on the calendar but trying not too. In the words of a wise old man- “All we have to do is decide what to do with the time given to us.” Thanks Gandalf. Peace out.

Love you all,  Sister Packer

What if Their Story Was Your Story?

Letter from April 4, 2016

YO fam!

It sounds like a busy busy week back home! Missin’ that Neilsen’s custard right now!  It has been a pretty good week here. Nothing too out of the ordinary happened.  Okay it’s kinda funny the new investigators we gained this week. There was a big push to help the refugees in conference. And I was wondering how I could help the refugees as a missionary… Well turns out this guy we contacted in the street about two weeks-ish ago is a refugee.  We have been trying to get in with them to teach he and his family and finally did!  And holy crap they are SOLID. Well mostly the mom, Elizabeth. She really loves us teaching her and wants her family to know about God. There is one hold up though- they speak Swahili…. And Kinyarwanda. No French or English. Except the older two kids, who have been translating for us. It’s been hard!  But we are seeing progress which we are really excited about. We’ve met with them about three times now. We gave them a Swahili Book of Mormon and guess what?! SHE READ THE FIRST CHAPTER!  I was so stoked.  So Tucson is actually the sixth in the country for where refugees have been sent.  Probably because the climate is so similar. But the push for helping them is a BIG thing out here. We are working with all the ward missionaries to figure out what more the ward can do too.  I loved the part in Women’s Conference when the speaker said, “what if their story was your story?”  This family we are teaching is an awesome family.  Mom, dad and five kids. What if that was my family? That’s what I kept thinking. SO GET INVOLVED GUYS. I’m not sure what the opportunities there are in IF to help right now but I know they are there:)

 I guess you could say I am getting more comfortable teaching lessons.  I feel really comfortable with the first lesson because of our March challenge to teach the restoration lesson once a day but also because we teach if the most. The third and fourth lessons I’m not comfortable with yet but I’ve learned  I can definitely rely on the Lord.  The hardest thing this week was probably not having much to do. We are still doing a ton of finding because we don’t have appointments and we’ve made some but a lot of the times they bail. (FYI that’s what happened at the park the other day)

 The most spiritual thing this week was probably when we had our extra zone meeting. So we had our zone conference and then the ZLs told us we were meeting Saturday night to go over the zone focus. And we were all thinking,  “seriously ANOTHER meeting”. But it ended up being really cool.  They had this fake fire set up and chairs and pillows all around it. We all sat around it like we were camping and then we all went around and gave a brief testimony of why we came out, that sorta thing. Then they talked about re-igniting our “greenies fire”. And then the fire in the middle changed to green😱 super cool.  So our zone focus for the month is to do something that puts you out of your comfort zone at least once everyday so we can stay as stoked about missionary work as we were when we first came out. I’m still a greenie… But I’m still excited for this challenge and to push myself!

Saturday we got to volunteer at the Special Olympics ALL DAY.  It was a lot of fun!  They are such sweet kids! We loved it, but Sister Smith got such a bad sunburn.  We did one exchange last transfer, but now we have a new sister training leader, so we might do more than that I’m not really sure!

In conference the talks that really stood out to me were Elder Stevenson’s about keys of the priesthood and Elder Holland’s.  Stevenson’s was just such a good analogy that I had never thought of before. Without the priesthood this church would not run smoothly and we would not be able to get to where we want to go. We NEED the priesthood power. It’s what makes all of the ordinances here on earth count and meaningful. There is one faith, one Lord, one baptism. And that ONE is the one with the priesthood (us!).  Holland’s talk just made me feel like I could handle the scary looking tomorrow. And it was comforting too to know that as long as I am trying and I have the desire to improve that is enough for my Heavenly Father!

Love you all, Sister Packer

Our apartment and a view from our road.


We were stood up in the park, so we played.  The other picture is of the senior office missionaries that we love dearly!

My poor companion Sister Smith had to have a hangnail removed.  She was incredibly calm throughout the procedure.
